Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Minor Improvements

Ok, so a couple of weeks ago when I said that 'Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3' made only one positive change I might have been a bit off. It's actually three. That's the final revised number. Seriously. So you inquisitively and enthusiastically ask what are positive fixes numbers two and three? Well if fixing the matchmaking was positive change number one then positive change number two would be the new connectivity indicator that has been added before a match is confirmed. Previously when you did a ranked match you set your preferences (I recommend 'Same' and 'Same'), hit the OK button and then started praying to whatever deities you believe in for a playable match. Now not so much. Now you get to see a rough estimate of your opponents connection to you before you greenlight playing them.
Names redacted to protect the innocent.
This change is a major boon to online warriors though I'm tempted to dock Capcom points for this positive change as it really is something that should have been in the game from the word 'go' and not something that gets added later after people spend nine months complaining about crappy online play. The ability to screen out people with bad connections is huge plus even if there's a small chance that people will use it to screen their opponents in general (i.e. fishing for easier matches).

For positive change number three we have another feature that should have shipped with the original game and that was omitted due what one can only speculate was a mixture of laziness and indifference in 'Spectator Mode' for player matches/rooms. This is another feature that perplexed people for its absence from 'vanilla' and it seems to be reasonably functional in its 'Ultimate' incarnation. The fact that it works makes the main reason that Capcom gave for not having it in 'vanilla' seem especially hollow (they said it would lag the game too much). Nice try. Well that's it for the positive changes see you all next week.


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